Today I decided to sort the outside bathtub in which I grow waterlillies, elodea and that spiky thing. Also, some spirally thing that I need to learn about, because I think it's pretty much dead.
Seems I've still got a couple of shubunkin goldfish in there. FWIW, I don't name the outside fish because there are some local birds that seem to like fishing, so it's best not to get attached. Also, they are just fancy carp so when you leave them to their own devices they prefer to hang out in the mud under the little shelter I put in there for them (see above re: birds).
Scooped out a bunch of gungy water milfoil because it's overrunning everything, stuffed some fertiliser tablets in the waterlily clumps which are just starting to sprout. Pulled out dead pointy sticks.
Was wearing disposable plastic gloves for hygiene reasons of course. It was raining so when I came back inside I was dripping wet, but my hands were dry.